Curl Consultation at Curl Clinic™ — Curl Maven

Rubi Johnson
2 min readJul 8, 2021

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and confused by all the information, advice, reviews and recommendations. You don’t know where to start, or how to understand what your hair needs. You’re fed up of spending money on products that don’t suit or work for your hair. Or you just want expert advice on what will work best for your hair to help improve the health, get those waves and curls back and achieve your hair goals. Then book in for a Curl Clinic!

Curl Clinics are a completely bespoke service specifically tailored to suit you and your hair. They’re a 30-minute video consultation via Zoom. We discuss your hair, your current products and routine, what issues you’re struggling with and what you’d like my help, advice and guidance on.

Curl Clinics are a completely bespoke service specifically tailored to suit you and your hair. They’re a 30-minute video consultation via Zoom. We discuss your hair, your current products and routine, what issues you’re struggling with and what you’d like my help, advice and guidance on.

Focusing on hair health, and using my knowledge, experience and expertise, I build a complete routine of products and techniques to help you achieve your hair goals. A Curl Clinic Rx email will be sent to you after your appointment, with all the recommended products, links, discount codes and full routine — specifically tailored to suit your hair, your budget, lifestyle, and any other requirements you may have.

Suitable for all curl types, ages and genders, Curl Clinics cost €75. So, if you’re ready to start your healthy hair journey, get your waves and curls back, and achieve your hair goals.

Book now for Curl Consultation



Rubi Johnson

Award-winning blogger, Curly Cailín talks about her journey, tips and advice, reviews and recommendations for following the Curly Girl Method & CG Beauty